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This editor is based on the popular open-source Inkscape editor, it was modified to allow markup SCADA-like animations in the SVG file with links to data that can be later provided at runtime. Any graphics properties can be animated with live data, such as fill/stroke colors, size, position, rotation, etc.

Creating Displays

To create a new display

  1. Create the SVG graphics using the Synoptic Editor. It is possible to use other editors (Illustrator, Corel, etc.) to create graphics that can be imported in the Synoptic Editor to later markup. The editor can import graphics from a great number of formats. There are on the web many sources of vector graphics clipart (free and paid) that can be useful.

  2. Markup the animations you want in the graphics using the Synoptic Editor. For this, select the object you want to animate and click the mouse right button and select “Object Properties”. Then choose from the menu the properties you want to animate. Follow the documentation below to understand the parameters of animations. Always use TAGs as identifiers of values to animate the graphics at runtime in the web browser. Finally, save the file always using the default native Inkscape SVG format.

Tag naming

Tag names are strings that must always begin with a letter (a-z or A-Z). Tags beginning with a number like “21xyz” will be converted to numbers and will cause problems. Do not begin a tag with any symbol, symbols are reserved for special purposes. If necessary, prefix your tag names with letters to avoid problems. Point numbers (id field of _realtimeData collection) also can be used to identify points in the SVG Editor. There is no limit on the size of the tag string. Tag names should be unique across the whole point database.

For Power BI see below specific tagging methods .

Standard Inkscape Usage

There is plenty of material available throughout the web to help learn how to use the Inkscape SVG graphics editor. We just point here some useful resources.

An interactive tutorial is available inside the editor in many languages (menu Help | Tutorials).

Other useful related resources.

SCADA Animations

To edit SCADA animation properties of an SVG object, right-click the mouse and choose Object Properties (please notice that albeit the Inkscape software interface is localized in many languages, the Object Properties menu is only available in English).

SVG Editor Editor interface showing the “Object Properties” dialog.

Follow below a list of attributes (“Object Properties|Tab”) that can be utilized to animate graphics.

Desired Action Tab
Show formatted values as text Get
Define texts for ranges of values Text
Change color of drawing objects Color
Change SVG attributes of drawing objects Color
Load images Color | Script
Run animations Color | Script
Execute scripts Color | Script | Set (#exec_once #exec_on_update)
Associate mouse/keyboard events Script
Bar graph Bar
Arc, Donut Set (#arc)
Radar chart Set (#radar)
Generic charts Script | Set (#vega4 #vega4-json #vega-lite)
Control transparency Opacity, Color
Rotate objects Rotate
Create tooltips (on mouse over text) Tooltips
Move objects linearly Slider
Zoom to area when object clicked Zoom
Control action when object is clicked Popup | Open
Create Trend Plot Open
Open New Display Open
Open URL on new Window Open | Popup
Preview Displays (on mouse over) Open | Popup
Create indirect variables Faceplate (group)
Clone object properties/behavior Set (#copy_xsac_from)
Object models Faceplate (group) + Set (#copy_xsac_from)
Define filter for Alarm Box Set (#set_filter)

Get Tab

Purpose: retrieve and show formatted values for tags.

Available for: SVG text objects only.

In the Tag field, put the tag to be retrieved its value. The fields Alignment and Type are ignored. To align text use the Inkscape “Text and Font” menu.

There are 3 ways to format values obtained by the “Get” directive.

When the text of the object contains the “|” (pipe) character, it is used the Boolean convention. When the text contains the “%” character, it is be used the Printf convention. In all other cases it is used the d3 convention.

It’s possible to represent flow direction for analog values with an arrow in place of the value signal using the following codes (positioned where you want the arrow to be shown):

Examples of formatting using the printf convention. Considering the value = -23.456:

format presented value
%6.2f -23.47
%08.3f -023.456
%1.0f -23
%5.2fu^ 23.47↓
l^%.1f →23.1

Examples of formatting using the d3 convention. Considering the value = 123456789.123:

format presented value
s 123.456789123M
.3s 123M

Examples of formatting using the boolean convention. Considering the value = 1 (true):

format presented value
off|on on
stopped|running running

Color Tab

Purpose: change the fill/stroke color of objects according to limits for the value of points. It is also possible to change attributes, trigger SMIL animations, load images and run small scripts.

Available for: all SVG drawing object types (not available for groups).

Each line in the list of limits contains the following fields:

The last true condition of the list will be effective and the others are ignored.

The field “Limit” can have also some special coded values:

For digital (boolean) points the following special values for conditions apply:

The colors are the SVG colors (named or #RRGGBB value). “none” is the transparent color.

A single color value will be used as fill and stroke colors. To specify different fill and stroke separate 2 color values by a “|” (pipe) character. Example: “red|green” = red for fill and green for stroke.

A void fill color like in “|yellow” affects only the stroke while keeping the fill unaltered. A void stroke color like in “black|” affects only the fill while keeping the stroke unaltered (recommended for text objects).

To interpolate colors between 2 values, use @color in the color field (fill or stroke) in the final line. Example: To make fill colors that varies continuously between white and red proportionally to values between 0 and 10 for the tag “TAG1”.

Tag Limit Color Name/Code
TAG1 0 white|
TAG1 10 @red|

In the field “Color Name/Code” it’s possible to change a SVG attribute instead of the color with the “attrib:” prefix. There must be a space after “attrib:”.

Example of changing attributes

Tag Limit Color Name/Code
TAG1 0 attrib: opacity=0.5
TAG1 10 attrib: opacity=1.0
TAG1 f attrib: style=fill:red;text-decoration:underline;

In the field “Color Name/Code” it’s also possible to run a Javascript short script with the “script:” option. There must be a space after “script:”.

The function $W.Animate can be used to animate objects with SMIL (SMIL is not implement in old IE/Edge browsers). The first parameter is the object to be animated (“thisobj” represents the current object); the second is the animation type (‘animate’, ‘set’, ‘animateTransform’, ‘animateColor’ or ‘animateMotion’); the third is the animation options.

Examples (Color Name/Code field):

script: $W.Animate( thisobj, 'animate', {'attributeName': 'x', 'from': 0, 'to': 10, 'fill': 'freeze', 'repeatCount': 5, 'dur': 5 } ); // animates on axis x, from 0 to 10 seconds, during 5 seconds, repeats 5 times.

script: $W.Animate( thisobj, 'animate', {'attributeName': 'width', 'from': 45, 'to': 55, 'repeatCount':5,'dur': 1 } ); // animates width between 45 and 55, 5 times in 1 second.

script: $W.Animate( thisobj, 'animate', {'attributeName': 'width', 'values': '45;55;45', 'repeatCount':5,'dur': 1 } ); // animates width for the values 45, 55 and  45, 5 times in 1 second.

It’s recommended to use $W.RemoveAnimate(thisobj) before creating a new animation to avoid cumulative animations.

See SVG attributes animation documentation, in:

For image objects: to load and change images dynamically use the “$W.LoadImage” function as this

script: $W.LoadImage(thisobj, 'clipart/modem.png');

Special color shortcuts can be changed in src/htdocs/conf/config_viewers.js. This file can be used to theme whole drawings provided the codes below are used instead of direct color names.

Power BI Custom Visual feature.

It is possible to use the Power BI Color Palette (theme). Define colors as “-pbi-1” for the first color in the pallete, “-pbi-2” for the first and so on. Other Power BI colors available are: “-pbi-background, “-pbi-foreground”, “-pbi-bad”, “-pbi-good”, “-pbi-maximum”, “-pbi-minimum”, “-pbi-selected”, “-pbi-positive”, “-pbi-negative”. These same shortcuts can be used in Vega specification files (see below).

Bar Tab

Purpose: change the height of a rectangle according to a value.

Available for: only for SVG rectangles.

In the “Tag” field, put the desired tag name. The fields “Min” and “Max” represents the expected range of values. The height of the object will be 100% of its original size when the value of the point is equal to the “Max” value and 0% when equal to the value defined in the “Min” field.

Changes in different directions can be obtained by just rotating the object.

Opacity Tab

Purpose: change the opacity (opposite of transparency) of SVG objects according to a value.

Available for: all types SVG objects including groups.

In the “Tag” field, put the desired tag name. The fields “Min” and “Max” represent the expected spread of point values. The opacity of the object will be 100% (totally solid) when the value of the point is equal to the Max value and 0% (totally transparent) when equal to the value defined in the Min field.

For digital points consider the value 0 for the ON (true) state and 1 for the OFF (false) state. For Min=0 and Max=1 the object will be solid for the OFF (false) state and will disappear for the ON (true) state. With Min=1 and Max=0 the reverse effect will be obtained.

Rotate Tab

Purpose: rotate the object.

Available for: all types of SVG objects including groups.

In the “Tag” field, put the desired tag name. Fill the fields “Max” and “Min” according to the value range of point. When the point reaches the value of “Max” the object will rotate 360 degrees. The object will not rotate when the point has the value of “Min”. The rotation is clockwise when Max > Min, to invert the rotation direction, let Min be greater than Max.

To adjust the center of rotation point of the object, click the object twice until shown the rotation guides (a cross mark is the center of rotation), then press shift and drag the cross at the center of the object.

Tooltips Tab

Purpose: show text when the mouse cursor is over a object.

Available for: all types of SVG objects including groups.

The fields “Line 1” to “Line 5” can be filled with the lines of text to be presented. “Size” and “Style” fields are ignored.

The tooltips can contain Javascript code between “!EVAL” and “!END” marks. Use “$V(‘TAG’)” to obtain point values inside the Javascript expression. The expression will be evaluated and the resulting value of it will be shown. What is out of the “!EVAL” and “!END” marks will be presented as text. Indirect variables can be used in the form “$V(%n)” to obtain the point value of a tag defined as variable at the higher level group.

Example: Consider a tag “TAG1” with a value of 22.1 and a point “TAG2” with a value of 10.5.

Line 1: TAG1+TAG2 = !EVAL $V('TAG1') + $V('TAG2') !END MW

This will present this text (when mouse over): “TAG1+TAG2 = 32.6 MW”.

Slider Tab

Purpose: move the object in a straight line.

Available for: all types of SVG objects including groups.

In the “Tag” field, put the desired tag name. The fields “Max” and “Min” must be filled with the desired range of variation for the point.

The SVG object must be cloned (Edit | Clone | Create Clone or ALT+D). The original object defines the initial position (this position will be reached when the value is equal to “Min”). The clone object must be positioned at the desired final position (the position to be reached when the value is equal to “Max”).

Movement in the reverse direction can be obtained by switching the values of “Min” and “Max”.

Zoom Tab

Purpose: define a zoom region that is extended to the full viewer when clicked.

Available for: all types of SVG objects, except text.

The object must be placed on the top of other objects and have an opacity greater than zero (like “0.1”).

Feature unavailable for Power BI and Grafana plugins.

Script Tab

Purpose: associate Javascript code to an event and create charts using the Vega specification.

Available for: all types of SVG objects.

Available scriptable events:

Use “$V(‘TAG’)” to obtain point values inside the script.

The function $W.Animate and thisobj can be used to animate objects in scripts, example

var obj = thisobj; // get the current object (the object that hosts the script)

// Use a call like below to get references to other objects from the SVG file by the id property
// var obj = SVGDoc.getElementById("rect1");

$W.RemoveAnimate(obj); // remove previous animations
// animate on axis x
$W.Animate(obj, "animate", {"attributeName": "x", "from": 208 ,"to": 300, "repeatCount": 5, "dur": 5});
// animate on axis y
$W.Animate(obj, "animate", {"attributeName": "y", "from": -301 ,"to":-400, "repeatCount": 5, "dur": 5});

It’s recommended to use $W.RemoveAnimate(thisobj) before creating a new animation to avoid cumulative animations. Other useful function can toggle the visibility of an object and also apply a translation to it: $W.ShowHideTranslate( ‘id_of_object’, x, y );

The function $W.makeDraggable(obj) can be used to make an object draggable by the mouse.

Vega specification markup options:

See Vega project site for tools and documentation of syntax:

In the Vega file (“data” / “values” section), use the following markup to refer to the tag list:

“PNT#1” to retrieve the current value of the first tag in the tag list
“TAG#1” to retrieve the first tag in the tag list
“LMI#1” reserved*
“LMS#1” reserved*
“FLG#1” to retrieve the qualifier flags of the first tag in the tag list*
“FLR#1” to retrieve the failure of the first tag in the tag list*
“SUB#1” reserved*
“BAY#1” reserved*
“DCR#1” to retrieve the description of the fist point in the point list*
“HIS#1” to retrieve the historical curve of the first tag in the tag list*

*Feature unavailable for Power BI and Grafana plugins.

Text Tab

Purpose: display predefined texts associated with ranges of values.

Available for: text objects.

The “Tag” field must be filled with the desired tag name.

The list of Tag Values and associated Tag Texts should be created with an ascending order of value. The value of the point will be tested against the list of Tag Values to be greater than or equal to each of it. The last true condition will cause the associated text to be presented.

Use a Tag Value of “f” to test for invalid values and “a” for alarmed.

For digital points consider the values (0-3,128-131) as shown previously for the Color tab.

Faceplate Tab

Purpose: this powerful concept allows to replicate groups of animated objects associating each replica to a different tag (or to a different set of tags).

Available for: groups of objects.

A model group of objects can be created associating all the animations of an object(s) to an indirection like “%n” (use “%m”, “%p”, etc. to use more tag indirections in the same model). Next, group all related objects that will compose the model. Then use the Faceplate attribute to resolve the indirections in the object with the list of Variables and Values. Variable is the indirection variable like “n” (here you must not put a “%”, just the character of the variable) and Value is the tag associated with it. So, all animations in the grouped objects will be related to the values of the resolved tag. Copy and paste the grouped object and change the tags of the variable(s) to obtain new objects with the same animations linked to other tags.

See examples of this concept in the demo displays included with the installation or in the Github repo.

Purpose: control the action when the object is clicked.

Available for: all types of SVG objects including groups.

The field “Source” can be:

Feature unavailable for Power BI and Grafana plugins.

Open Tab

Purpose: plot trends, open new pages, preview pages.

Available for: all types of SVG objects including groups.

Feature unavailable for Power BI and Grafana plugins.

Set Tab

Purpose: configure the special functions.

Available for: all types of SVG objects.

Functions available:

See the Vega project site for tools and documentation of syntax:

In the Vega file (“data” / “values” section), use the markup below to refer to the tag list (from the “Source” field).

“PNT#1” to retrieve the current value of the first tag in the tag list
“TAG#1” to retrieve the first tag in the tag list
“LMI#1” reserved*
“LMS#1” reserved*
“FLG#1” to retrieve the qualifier flags of the first tag in the tag list*
“FLR#1” to retrieve the failure of the first tag in the tag list*
“SUB#1” reserved*
“BAY#1” reserved*
“DCR#1” to retrieve the description of the fist point in the point list*
“HIS#1” to retrieve the historical curve of the first tag in the tag list*

*Feature unavailable for Power BI and Grafana plugins.

Special Codes

Obs.: Special codes to obtain other point attributes instead of the tag value in SCADA animations, “xxx” represents the tag name.

*Feature unavailable for Power BI and Grafana plugins.

Debugging Scripts is Displays

To debug scripts in a SVG display file, do the following:

Power BI Custom Visual tagging

The Power BI custom visual automatically creates tags for the linked Power BI data. So, the SVG file must be created with graphics linked to the tags that will be encountered at runtime in the Power BI environment.

The are 2 methods of tagging available simultaneously.