Class: scadavis

scadavis(containeropt, iframeparamsopt, svgurlopt, paramsobjopt)

scadavis - Must be created with the "new" keyword. E.g. var svgraph = new scadavis("div1", "", "");


new scadavis(containeropt, iframeparamsopt, svgurlopt, paramsobjopt) synoptic API.
Name Type Attributes Description
container string <optional>
ID of the container object. If empty or null the iframe will be appended to the body.
iframeparams string <optional>
Parameter string for configuring iframe (excluding id and src and sandbox) e.g. 'frameborder="0" height="250" width="250"'.
svgurl string <optional>
URL for the SVG file.
paramsobj Object <optional>
Alternatively parameters can be passed in an object. E.g.: svgraph = new scadavis( {container: "div1"} );